Frequently asked Questions


How do I update Lightworks to the latest version?

This is a very simple process and one that requires you to just install the latest version of Lightworks into the same directory you installed the original version. By default Lightworks is installed here:

  • Windows: C:/Program Files/Lightworks
  • Linux: /Home/USER ACCOUNT/Lightworks (Linux)
  • Mac: Drag and drop the to the Applications folder within the DMG overwriting the previous installation with the latest version.

To confirm the version of Lightworks you are running check the version and revision number at the bottom of the Project Browser screen after starting Lightworks.

How do I uninstall Lightworks?

Windows: You can uninstall Lightworks using the Uninstall function in Control Panel->Uninstall a Program. Simply select Lightworks and click Uninstall.

Linux Debian distros: Open a Terminal window and type: sudo apt-get remove lightworks

Linux RPM distros: Open a Terminal Window and type: dnf remove lightworks (you will need to have the correct system privileges for this to work)

Mac: Drag the to the Bin

How can I download previous versions of Lightworks?

Head to:

Here you will find download links for all versions previous to the current mainline version. 

You can also find the link labelled as 'Previous Versions' in the site footer under Resources. 

When I attempt to install the Linux version I receive an error: AMD64 What does this mean?

This error message suggests you are trying to run the Linux Lightworks 64bit installer on on a 32bit system. (amd64 is the official name of 64bit systems, which Ubuntu uses) Only 64bit Linux systems are supported. There are currently no plans to produce a 32bit version of Lightworks for Linux on 32bit systems.

How can I reset the language within Lightworks?

  • Open Lightworks to the project browser
  • Click the 'Settings' button
  • On the panel that opens, Click the dropdown arrow next to 'Language'
  • Click 'Customise'
  • On the panel that opens, click the settings icon (three vertical dots)
  • Select 'Revert to default wordings'.


Lightworks fails to start, what can I do?

There are several things to check with regards to Lightworks not starting:

1. Make sure you are running the latest version of Lightworks (2025.1 or higher) from the Downloads page.

2.That the graphics card drivers are installed and working correctly. Please make sure that a "standard VGA" driver is NOT installed.

3. That the sound card is installed and working correctly, ie, you can hear audio coming from the system. Please make sure that speakers/headphones are connected and that the audio is enabled.

4. Intel 945/G33/G31 graphics chipsets are no longer supported. If you have one of these graphics cards, please upgrade it to resolve this issue.

5. That your DirectX is up to date. Please download the DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer from here:

6. If you are running Windows Defender, please disable it and reinstall Lightworks.

Lightworks will not start and reports that d3dx9_43.dll is missing from the system. How do I resolve this?

This error means that the DirectX drivers on your system need updating. To resolve the issue download the DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer from here:

When starting Lightworks on Windows I receive a message about /3GB memory, what do I need to do?

This message is simply a warning. To remove the warning, please follow the instructions documented here:


My system drive failed and has been replaced and reinstalled, but now when I enter my Username and Password to sign in I receive an error, what do I do?

You will lose your license if the hard drive is replaced. First you will need to install Lightworks on the new hard drive and activate the Free version of Lightworks. To help us assist you, please fill in the form provided here: telling us the name of the system Lightworks Create/Pro has been applied to, along with any other relevant changes to the system.

When attempting activation I receive Error 4../5 cannot connect to the licensing server What do I need to do?

This error message means the version of Lightworks you are attempting to activate is out of date. You will need to download and install the latest version of Lightworks (2023.1 or higher) from here: You will then be able to activate Lightworks successfully.

When I attempt to activate Lightworks I receive a "Licence expired" error message. What do I need to do?

This error message means the version of Lightworks you are attempting to activate is out of date. You will need to download and install the latest version of Lightworks (2023.1 or higher) from here: You will then be able to activate Lightworks successfully.

Please also check the Date/Time on your system clock and make sure it is set correctly. Any alterations/inconsistencies in Date/Time may cause this error.

Can I activate Lightworks without an internet connection?

We are working to add this functionality. In the meantime, if you need to activate your Lightworks license offline, you can contact the team here:

A connection to the licensing server could not be established. How do I go about fixing this?

This indicates that Lightworks is unable to contact our licence server directly to issue the licence. Please make sure to update to the very latest version of Lightworks (2023.1 or higher) from here: and attempt activation again.

If you connect to the Internet via a proxy server on the system please open port 443 TCP on all Firewalls and allow access to If there is no Internet connection on the system you can either temporarily add one for the duration of the activation (1min)

When I attempt to activate Lightworks I receive a "Requested project does not exist" error message. What do I need to do?

This error message means the version of Lightworks you are attempting to activate is out of date. You will need to download and install the latest version of Lightworks (2023.1 or higher) from here: You will then be able to activate Lightworks successfully.

How do I activate Lightworks?

In order to start using Lightworks you will first need to have registered an account with us here: Once your account is registered successfully, you can use your Username/Email and Password to sign in to the Lightworks application.


I am having problems importing a particular file, what can I do?

The list of codecs that Lightworks supports can be found here: Just beacuse a file is in an . AVI or .MOV container does not necessarily mean it will import into Lightworks. .AVI and .MOV files are simply containers that can contain a wide variety of codecs within them. We recommend you to download and install MediaInfo from: Instructions for using and posting your information regarding MediInfo can be found in this Forum Post:


There is only an option to export as YouTube/Vimeo at 720p quality. Why are all the other options not available?

The Free version of Lightworks has restricted file output limited to YouTube/Vimeo 720p. In order to export at higher resolutions you will need to upgrade to either Lightworks Create or Pro. Please visit this page: to compare Lightworks Free, Create and Pro.

When I export my sequence only Audio plays in the final rendered video when I play it back, why is this?

If you are checking back your exports in Windows Media Player, it is highly unlikely it has the codecs available to play the exported video. We would recommend downloading VLC media player from here: This is a free media player that supports most codecs.


I purchased Lightworks Create/Pro, can I use my license on Windows, Linux or Mac?

When you purchase a Lightworks Create/Pro license you can decide whether to activate a Windows, Linux or Mac system.

Can I use my Lightworks Pro license on more than one system?

Yes, with every purchase of Lightworks Create/Pro (Year/Perpetual) we issue a complimentary second activation which can be used on a second system. The reason we do this is because there is currently no way of moving an activated Lightworks Create/Pro license from one system to another. The second activation can be used in this event to activate the replacement system should the need arise.

My system crashed and I had to reinstall the Operating System. Will I lose my Lightworks Pro license for this system?

You will only lose the license file locally on the system. Install Lightworks and sign in with your Username and Password you will then be issued with the same license file again. If you receive an error or your Lightworks CreatePro license is not restored correctly, please fill in the form provided here: telling us the name of the system Lightworks Create/Pro should be applied to, along with any other relevant changes to the system.

I want to move my Lightworks Pro Licence to another system - How can I do this?

Please install and activate the Free version of Lightworks on the new system, you can then contact the team here: who will be able to assist further.

I want to move my Lightworks Free licence to another system - How can I do this?

The Free license can be activated on as many systems as you require, the license does not need to be moved from one system to another.

My Free licence has expired. Can I get another Free licence?

Yes. The Free license will expire every 90 days but can be renewed by simply signing back into the application with your Username and Password.

How can I change my credit card information for an active subscription?

If you have paid for a subscription using a credit card (PayPal is not applicable) then please sign in to your account on and go to "Update Billing Details".

Does the Lightworks Create/Pro Perpetual license expire?

The Lightworks Create/Pro Perpetual license does not have an expiry date and can be activated at any time. Once activated, the software will no longer need an internet connection and can be used indefinitely.

The Lightworks Create/Pro Perpetual license will work for the current release version (2025) which includes all minor version updates. When the next version is released (2026) a license upgrade will be required.

How do I cancel my Monthly/Yearly subscription?

This can be done by visiting this page: and clicking the 'Auto-renewal' toggle, which will disable any future payments and licenses.

Updating and Upgrading

I'm using an old version of Lightworks. How do I update to the latest version without losing my projects?

Simply sign in to the User Portal and download the latest version. The new package can be installed to the old location, to overwrite the earlier installation. Your projects will be available still. Alternatively, the package can be installed to a new location and run alongside.

Will my projects created with the Free version be compatible with Lightworks Create or Pro when I upgrade?

Yes. Projects created with all versions of Lightworks will be compatible.

I have Lightworks Create. How do I upgrade to Lightworks Pro?

First you will need to cancel the auto-renewal for the Create license by visiting this page: and clicking the 'Auto-renewal' toggle, which will disable any future payments and licenses. You can then proceed with purchasing Lightworks Pro

I have a perpetual/outright license for an older version of Lightworks (prior to 2025). How do I upgrade to the latest version?

Sign in to the User Portal and visit My Products > Perpetual

There you will see purchase options for regular upgrade and upgrade plus TotalFX.

I have a perpetual/outright license for an older version of Lightworks (prior to 2025). Where can I download the installers from?

Head to:

Here you will find download links for all versions previous to the current mainline version. 

You can also find the link labelled as 'Previous Versions' in the site footer under Resources. 


Where can I download the drivers for the Contour Shuttle Pro?

Please visit for the latest installer version.

What operating systems does the Shuttle Pro support?

Only Windows and macOS. Some users report success getting the driver to work on Linux, please search our Forum for potential solutions.

I have installed the Shuttle Pro drivers on Windows but Lightworks does not see the device. How can I fix this?

Please make sure you have set the Contour Control Panel to the ‘EditShare Lightworks’ profile. This will target the Lightworks program core executable (named - ntcardvt.exe) at both the Windows 32 & 64-Bit default OS installation paths of:

  • 32-bit installation path > C:Program Files (x86)Lightworks
  • 64-bit Installation path > C:Program FilesLightworks
  • If you have installed Lightworks in a custom install path you will need to manually select the ntcardvt.exe in the install directory.

I have installed the Shuttle Pro drivers on macOS but Lightworks does not see the device.How can I fix this?

Ensure you have the correct installer package for your macOS release version.

I have installed the Shuttle Pro drivers and Lightworks is working with the Shuttle Pro but not all the functions are working as I expect, what is wrong?

You will need to load the appropriate keyboard mapping file from within Lightworks.

1. Open Lightworks, enter a current project or create a new one if one does not exist.
2. On the Lightworks ‘Tools’ bar, open the ‘Editor preferences’ panel at the bottom of the panel
3. On the Preferences panel choose ’Import’
4. Browse to the appropriate xx.prefs file for the operating system you are running, select it then press ‘OK’ to apply.

- Mac: LWKS Contour Shuttle Key Mapping_OSX.prefs
- Windows: LWKS Contour Shuttle Key Mapping_Win.prefs

Will my existing Shuttle Pro work with Lightworks?

Yes, as long as the driver is supported and you target the ntcardvt.exe in the install directory, it will work.

NewBlue Plugins

What are the minimum specs required for Titler, Transitions, Essentials and TotalFX?

This info can be found on the Lightworks Tech Specs page:

Which Lightworks license types support TotalFX?

The TotalFX package requires a Lightworks Pro license active on the system.

I have Lightworks and TotalFX installed but cannot see the effects in the Plugins category

This is most likely due to an older version of Lightworks being installed. Please update to the latest version of Lightworks 2023.1 or higher.


Am I entitled to pre-release Beta versions to test any bug fixes that may be applicable to me?

Yes. Please visit read the terms and click the button to agree to join the Beta testing.  This will upgrade your account to give you access to the Beta downloads

What type of system is required to run Lightworks?

Please see recommended system specs here:

I’ve got a feature request, should I post it on the forum 'Feature Requests' section or submit it to support?

Please post all Lightworks feature requests in the appropriate section of the Lightworks Forum. We welcome all feature requests and are happy to hear new ideas from users.

An Administrator in the Lightworks Forum asked me to 'zip up' and send the Lightworks Backup folder. Where is this folder stored?

  • Windows: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Lightworks/Logs
  • Linux: /home/USER ACCOUNT/Lightworks/Logs
  • macOS: /Users/USER ACCOUNT/Lightworks/Logs

I have lost my edit, how do I get it back?

Select the 'Assets' tab (top left hand corner) on this panel you will see the "Sequences" filter, select this to see ALL the sequences within your project. Double click your sequence to open it in the sequence viewer.

Can I use the videos created with Lightworks Free for commercial use?

You can, although we require that you use the Lightworks logo at the end of your video, which you can download here

We would also ask that you put a link to in the description of anywhere the video is publicly posted. 

My audio plays back slowly when pressing Play on my clips/sequences on the macOS version of Lightworks, how do I resolve this?

The macOS version of Lightworks only supports devices that are set to 48Khz only, any other rate can cause audio distortion or playback issues (running too fast or too slow) This issue can be resolved by opening the 'Audio MIDI' within the 'Utilities' folder on the Mac and changing the 'Format' of the selected audio device to '48,000 Hz'