JigSock Slices Through LWKS Team's Horror Picks

By David Winter
Nov 2, 2023
2 minute read
LWKS Team's Horror Picks

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In the eerie spirit of my takeover, I, JigSock, beckoned the souls at LWKS to unveil their favourite haunts from the horror genre. Their offerings to the spectral realm, however, appeared more amusing than alarming. Let's dissect their choices, shall we?

Note: Who is this stunningly handsome sock puppet bullying the LWKS team for their horror choices, you wonder? Well, last Halloween, I, JigSock, seized Lightworks to illuminate the dark path your editing sins have set you upon. Your editing sins are so grave that you could take the raw footage of Jaws and somehow manage to edit it into Jaws IV: The Revenge!

That's why your ol' pal JigSock had to pay a visit and set you on a better path. 

Though my reign has concluded and the shadows of discount have retreated, the sinister wisdom within the 'Book of JigSock' endures. Read on, if you dare. The choice, as always, is yours. 

Chris: A Family Cursed with 'Hereditary'

Chris is entranced by "Hereditary," admiring its blend of family drama with horror elements. He elaborates, "The way the film blends in compelling and complicated family drama with actual horror elements is inspired...Colin Stetson's mindblowing score just makes it an outstanding masterpiece."

Oh, Chris, seeking horror in the twisted roots of family trees? Perhaps a bit too close to home, don't you think?

Matt: The Olden Dread of 'Dead of Night'

Matt's heart quivers for "Dead of Night," a film as ancient as the cobwebs in a crypt. He shivers, "The suspense in some of the stories is intense. Plus I will never ever buy a second hand mirror having watched this film!

Clinging to the shadows of the past with a film nearly as ancient as dust, Matt? Maybe it's time to crawl out of the crypt and face modern terrors.

Dan: A Gruesome Giggle with 'Dead Alive'

Dan finds mirth amidst the macabre in "Dead Alive." He chuckles at the "grotesque and hilarious" antics.

Finding chuckles in the grotesque, Dan? The only joke here is your taste. 

Dermott: The Viral Veil of 'The Blair Witch Project'

Dermott trembles to the tune of "The Blair Witch Project," reminiscing, "...first film to go viral on the internet and convinced a generation that it was real...

Fooled by a low-budget shaky cam flick? Perhaps your ability to discern real horror got lost in the woods Dermott!

David: A Trove of Terrors with 'The Shining' and 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'


David parades a trove of terrors, from the classic chills of "The Shining" to the playful dread of "The Nightmare Before Christmas." He chirps, “...it's a perfect way to celebrate the two best seasons of the year in one go!

Your horror picks are as shallow as a kiddie pool. Are you always this indecisive, David, or is fear of commitment your real horror?

The Essence of Horror

Amidst the playful banter and the unveiling of cinematic tastes, let’s not forget the essence of true horror. The dance of dread awaits you on the editing canvas of Lightworks. Get started now, for free! 

Remember, my takeover may be over, but The 'Book of JigSock' endures, awaiting the day my sinister strings may dance again. Until then, enjoy this black parade of spooky content:

A full short film!

3 x Video Tutorials

5 x Blog Posts