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System Requirements

Applies to 2022.3 onwards


Operating Systems

All versions are designed to run on Intel and AMD chipsets and motherboards.


Windows 8 or higher


macOS X 10.14 or higher


Linux-Supported Debian Distros:

  • Ubuntu / Lubuntu / Xubuntu 20.04 or higher
  • Mint 17 or higher

Linux Supported RPM Distros:

  • Fedora 34 or higher

Recommended System Specifications

Intel i7 chipset or faster, fast AMD chipset
4 GB RAM or higher
Two high-resolution displays (1920 x1080) or above
PCI Express graphics card (NVIDIA or AMD) with 1GB or higher
DirectX 9 (Windows OS only)
Compatible sound card. Make sure that you can hear audio from your system
Separate media and system drives (these can be internal or external as long as the interface has sufficient speed)
200MB Disk space for Lightworks installation


Internet connection required to install Lightworks and register licenses

(Optional) a Lightworks Console
(Optional) a Lightworks keyboard



NewBlue Requirements

Several Lightworks features use plugins from NewBlue:

Transitions requires an active Lightworks Free, Create or Pro license

Titler requires an active Lightworks Create or Pro license

Essentials requires an active Lightworks Pro license

The full suite of NewBlue tools - TotalFX - is available as a paid upgrade to Lightworks Pro. 
All of these plugins require the following:

Operating System:
Windows 10 and later
macOS 10.15 and later

2GHz (multicore / multiprocessor recommended)

4GB required (8GB recommended)

NVIDIA or AMD with OpenGL 2.1
902Mhz base clock (1506Mhz recommended)
1GB VRAM required (4GB VRAM recommended