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Cue Markers

Applies to 2022.3 onwards


A Cue Marker is used to define an important point on a particular frame within an asset. Cue Markers are small triangular markers in the timecode ruler which identify areas of interest.


Adding Cue Markers


Move the timeline marker to the position in the clip you want.


Click on the Cue Marker button below the viewer or press the Cue Marker shortcut key (M).

Cue Markers

The Cue Marker displays as a small green triangle on the timecode ruler.


The Cue Marker dialog box opens below the viewer:

  • Optional: Type a name for your Cue Marker in the Name field.
  • Optional: Add a description for your Cue Marker in the Description field.
  • Optional: Click on a colour to set the colour for your Cue Marker.
Marker Popup

To delete a Cue Marker select it and click ‘Delete’.


To close the Cue Marker dialog box, click on the Close button, or click anywhere outside the dialog box.

Adding Ranged Cue Markers

A Ranged Cue Marker is used to define an important section within an asset. Ranged Cue Markers are small half-triangular markers appearing as a coloured line between your Start and End Points.


Move the timeline marker to the position in the clip you want the Start point.


Click the ‘In’ button or press the Mark In shortcut key (I).


Move the timeline marker to the position in the clip you want the End point.


Click on the Cue Marker button below the viewer or press the Cue Marker shortcut key (M).

Screenshot 2023-12-15 at 12.50.41

The Marker dialog box opens below the viewer:

  • Optional: Type a name in the Name field.
  • Optional: Add a description for your Ranged Cue Marker in the Description field.
  • Optional: Click on a colour to set the colour for your Ranged Cue Marker.
Ranged Cue Marker1

To delete a Ranged Cue Marker select the In point of the Ranged Cue Marker it and click ‘Delete.’


To close the Marker dialog box, click on the Close button, or click anywhere outside the dialog box.